name: Daniël Osvaldo Calcoen
place and date of birth: Mar del Plata, 1967, August 22nd.
citizenship: Belgian and Argentinean.
marital status: Married since 1998, 2 children
e-mail: daniel.calcoen@cern.ch
spanish: mother tongue.
english: spoken, read: fluent written: fluent.
french : spoken, read: fluent written :fair.
italian : beginners level.
portuguese : beginners level.
german : beginners level.
Medical Radiotherapy Physicists
CNEA [1]
Electronics Engineer Diploma
School of Engineering
UNMdP [4]
Electronics Technician Diploma (BAC+1)
National School for Technical Education Nº 1, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Actual responsibilities
Senior Electronics Engineer at Machine Protection & Electrical Integrity Group
specific functions estimation:
Project management (30%)
System operation and maintenance (20%)
Research and development (10%)
Information management (20%)
Consultancy and training (10%)
Safety engineering (10%)
safety link person (SLP) for the TE-MPE group
member of the LHC Magnet Circuits, Powering and Performance Panel (MP3)
TE-MPE Work and Service Supervisor (WSS) for LS2
represent GL at LS2 Committee (LS2C) meetings
member of the TE Promotion Panel (TEPP)
DYPQ Upgrade - Project Leader
LTCL (ATTRACT european grant) - Project Leader
Personal Statement
Very open mind and ready to incorporate and learn new disciplines and activities.
Organized and efficient when working on complex projects involving numerous people.
Well prepared to interact with a broad variety of cultures and disciplines.
Before coming to CERN I mainly worked in control electronics, discrete control and software
applications for commercial business, and more than three years as a Medical Physicists.
At CERN, my first tasks were design of electronics boards, programmable logic, embedded
controllers and firmware. I continuously progressed into the upper layers of accelerators
control incorporating new knowledge and competences.
In the technical domain I transit easily from the bottom, low level hardware, up to the
top, the system architecture of the control chain, covering technologies and paradigms
from '70s to nowadays, flowing from electronics to software, from radiation to reliability and also safety problems.
I was the supervisor of students, technicians, engineers and teams.
Nowadays I apply my managerial competences leading projects in the
area of High Energy Physics Accelerators Protection Systems
The continuous improvement of these protection systems implies a big charge of meetings and
discussions. Requiring a constant interaction with a lot of people along the CERN and outside, counting physicists, operators, engineers,
technicians, managers. It is here where my communication competences play their role.
Digital electronics.
Analog electronics.
Mission-critical systems.
Power electronics.
Control systems. Control Theory for continuous and discrete regulation loops, frequency and time domain analysis.
Design, Simulation and Analysis with CAE tools, for systems, circuits and PCBs.
Controllers architecture and hardware.
Microprocessors, microcontrollers and DSP.
Programable logic and programmable devices.
Industrial Control.
Embedded systems.
Real-time systems.
PCB design.
Maintenace and reparation.
Control systems. Regulation Algorithms.
Systems architecture and design.
Real-time applications.
Embedded systems.
Development under CERN FESA framework, CERN FGC framework. Siemens SIMATIC, UNICOS framework.
Coding languages, C, C++, Assembler, Pascal, Siemens SCL and STL, Delphi, Basic, Dbase, Clipper, Java, PostScript, Fortran, Prolog, COBOL, RPG -II.
Developer for Windows, Linux, Lynx, DOS, Flex.
Work organisation.
Project management.
Patients Planning.
Machines Calibration.
Radioactive source manipulation and planning.
Basic shielding calculation.
Quality control.
2020 Machine Protection
LS2 DYPQ upgrade
FAIR collaboration superconducting magnets test-bed
MPE test bed (B272)
2015 - 2019 Machine Protection
LS2 DYPQ upgrade
SM18 cluster D test-bed
SM18 cluster A test-bed
SM18 cluster F test-bed
FAIR collaboration superconducting magnets test-bed
MPE test bed (B272)
QPS, learn and document
BIS, learn and document
revision on CIBDS board
2004 - 2014
FGC 3.0, FGC 3.1
FESA classes (FESA 2.x - 3.x)
PowRs422 / Po_Rs422 / PowDF7000
PowJC / PowSpectro
Siemens SIMATIC PLC series 300/400 systems
ISOLDE beam line 1/2
ISOLDE offline
ISOLDE Front End #6
REX Beam Optics
LEIR electron cooling
Target HRS
Target GPS
Stand TEst 3Mev - Klystron modulator
Class A Laboratory
Junction Crate replacement - North Area experimental Zone
G-64 M32C83 card VHDL code
G-64 M32C83 card software
G-64 M6809 cards software
G-64 M6809 cards PAL codes
G-64 M6809 CE-3000 card modifications
Timing card - VHDL
1999 - 2000
G-64 Bridge board + VHDL + software
Building a prototype of a G64-ISA
Bridge. Selection of standard components. Doing the schematics and the pcb. Selecting royalty free software. Conforming a DOS
platform to migrate, with minimum effort, the PS/PO power supplies control
algorithms developed with Omega Pascal in FLEX OS (for the G64 6809 cpu
card). Building libraries and drivers needed for the migration. Supervisor
of a Technical student member of the project.
G-64 PC144 board + VHDL + software
G-64 STPC board + VHDL + software
at LIC (when I played a leading role)
2003 - 2004
Development of a traffic light
controllers for Municipalidad de General Pueyrredon. The controllers are
interconnected using SINEC L1 field bus. Responsible of the design and
development of hardware, firmware and user application.
2000 - 2001
Cooperation with PS/PO of CERN.
Development of a 24 phases thyristor gate controller
based on a Motorola DSP56303, 2 Xilinx FPGAs and connected to G-64 bus (DSP-LIC
PS/PO 24902P). The logic inside de FPGAs and the firmware of the DSP.
1997 - 1998
Cooperation with CERN CLIC project.
Development of Texas TMS 320C31 based card, the DSP firmware and the
user application for the Test System of CLIC alignment (PS 680-2071-350).
Development of a six power drivers for stepper motors card (PS
680-2071-200). The Test System DSP card controls a group of these boards.
Development of a 20 channels analog to digital converter with 14 bits
card (PS 680-2071-100 A/D 14). Part of the position acquisition system used in
the stepper motors loop.
Development of a 14 channels analog to digital converter with 16 bits
(PS 680-2071-C150-2 A/D 16). Part of the position acquisition system used in
the stepper motors loop.
1997 - 1998
Development of an electronic acquisiton system for a hydraulic dyno
used to test and tuning racing cars
engines. Responsible for the design of hardware, firmware and end user
application. for Saenz & Araneo S.A.
Thesis. Design and construction
of a 20 HP Power inverter to test induction motor control strategies. This
converter is used by researchers at LIC lab for Motion Control and Vector
Control experiments.
1993 - 1994
Development of a software system to control automatic linear knitting machines and the
user application to design the jacquard fabric images to feed the machine.
Design and construction of four interface boards for PC, used with the satellital navigation system (GPS) in the fish-boats fleet of Pesquera Giorno S.A.
1995 (march 2 to 30)
Collaboration with Omega Electronics Team (Switzerland) (as a member of Argentine Swimming Federation) installing and operating the electronics equipment used for the official timing in the XII Pan-American Sports Games.
1/2015 - present
Electronics Engineer, Machine Protection & Electrical Integrity Group.TE-MPE-EP
Functions: participate actively in the leading / development / operation and maintenance of projects assigned to TE-MPE-EP
1/2005 - 12/2014
Electronics Engineer, Electrical Power Converters Group. TE-EPC-CCS
Development of software and hardware solutions for power converter controls.
Supervision of two Industrial Engineers and PLC related projects.
Responsible for converter controls software and hardware in the PS Complex and SPS North Zone.
Meetings, Committees and Workshops.
7/2004 - 12/2004
Project Associate at CERN, AB-PO.
The main activity was to consolidate the situation left by the retirement of the PS specialist
leaving more than 300 programs (under Flex OS) for the 800 power converters controls under his responsibility.
1/2001 - 6/2004
Medical Physicist at Hospital Privado de Comunidad.
Being the only Medical Physicist in the radiotherapy area. Doing treatment planning, simulation, calibration, radioprotection, Q&A and safety rules,
with an average of 103 patients per day in treatment with a telecobaltotherapy machine and two linear accelerators. Supervisor and Leader of the 8 radiotherapy technicians and 4 oncology nurses.
2/2003 - 6/2004
Professor Assistant of Applied Controls Theory, at School of Engineering of UNMdP[4]
2/1999 - 2/2000
Scientific Associate at CERN, PS/PO/ES.
Development and construction of a prototype of a PC based CPU replacement for the G-64 M6809 CPU used in
the power converters controls of the PS Complex. Development and implementation of the firmware and
software needed to run the ported code on the new platform.
3/1997 - 12/2002
Professor Assistant of Circuits Theory II, at School of Engineering of UNMdP[4].
3/1997 - 6/2002
Professor Assistant of Circuits Theory I, at School of Engineering of UNMdP[4]
(part-time from 1/2001).
3/1991 - 6/2004
Member of Laboratorio de Instrumentacion y Control (LIC) of UNMdP[4]. LIC research in
power electronics
and digital control. I was strongly involved in the design of switching converters and in the development of control
algorithms using C and assembler on Motorola DSPs[2]
56000, 96000, 56002, 56303 and Texas Instruments DSPs for various
LIC projects.
1989 - 2002
Development of commercial software as a freelance programmer, for computer
software companies, business companies, and end users. Ranging from small
assembler application for linking a telephonic central with the ticket
generation software to a complete system,
multi-platform, multi-language solution for an enterprise in charge of the
public telephones coins collection, interconnecting automatic coin
counters, barcode readers, barcode printers, user front-end, remote
processing via internet, data consistency check with telephone units
automatic reports generation in a multiple clients-server structure.
1/1989 - 2/1999
Maintenance. Repairing and programming the knitted gloves machines of Guantes Flandria S.A.
6/1989 - 12/1989
Electronics Teacher at the Technical High School, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, ENET No1.
1/1987 - 5/1988
Mandatory Military Service at Navy.
3/1985 - 1/1987
at SICO Informatics Services, developing comercial systems in dBase III, dBase III+,
Fox Base and Clipper and in rare cases C and assembler.
12/1982 - 2/1983
First real Job, when 15 years old, building and repairing marquees and neon lights.
(During summer school holidays).
2019 - Introduction to knowledge transfer tools. (4 hours)
2019 - IQ v EQ - Becoming emotionally smart. (8 hours)
2018 - Diversité dans le langage: s'exprimer de façon inclusive du point de vue du genre. (3 hours)
2018 - Intelectual Property (IP) Workshop - FuSuMaTech. (16 hours)
2018 - Career Review Workshop for Departmental Assessors. (4 hours)
2017 - PolarFire Microsemi FPGA Hands-on workshop. (8 hours)
2017 - TE-MPE Project Management Training (Project Risk Management with OpenSE)- Part 2. (4 hours)
2017 - TE-MPE Project Management Training (Project Control and Follow-up with OpenSE)- Part 1. (8 hours)
2017 - WSS - Work and Services Supervisor. (24 hours)
2017 - GSI-CERN Workshop on Magnet Protection. (16 hours)
2017 - MT25 - 27th International Conference on Magnet Technology. (7 days, Amsterdam Netherlands)
2016 - Hi Lumi - Quality Assurance. (4 hours)
2016 - Training on Communication for CERN Guides. (4 hours)
SM18 - Old Synchrotron - CCC - LEIR.
2016 - Leading for Success. (16 hours, Leadership)
2016 - IPAC 2016 - 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference. (7 days, Busan South Korea)
2015 - MPE Project Management. (8 hours)
2015 - Reliability and System Risks Analysis. (2 days) Indico
2014 - CERN Accelerator School, Power Converters. (10 days, Baden - Switzerland )
2014 - Python Hands-on Introduction. (32 hours)
2014 - UNICOS-CPC. (32 hours)
2014 - How to get, as a supervisor, the most out of the annual interview. (8 hours)
2013 - C++ for Embedded Developers. (16 hours)
2012 - CERN Accelerator School, General Accelerator Physics. (10 days, Granada - Spain )
2011 - Voice and nonverbal Behaviour in Speech Communication. (16 hours)
2010 - Radiation effects on electronic parts and systems. (16 hours)
2010 - Managing stress. (16 hours)
2009 - Radiation Effect to Electronics. (16 hours)
2009 - Developing secure software. (4 hours)
2009 - JAVA - Level 1. (24 hours)
2009 - Designing effective websites. (16 hours)
2008 - Habilitation électrique : recyclage HT/BT - Safety. (4 hours)
2008 - Sécurité radiologique - Safety. (4 hours)
2008 - Personal Awareness & Impact - Management & Communication. (24 hours)
2008 - Siemens - Simatic Net Network. (16 hours)
2008 - Cours d'anglais (expression orale). (30 hours)
2007 - Advanced VHDL for FPGA Design. (40 hours)
2008 - Cours d'anglais general et professionnel. (30 hours)
2007 - Simplorer. (16 hours)
2007 - Automate de sécurité Simatic S7 - Siemens. (24 hours)
2007 - Project Management - Management & Communication. (24 hours)
2007 - Siemens - Simatic STEP7 : niveau 2. (40 hours)
2006 - Siemens - Simatic STEP7 : niveau 1, (32 hours)
2006 - Communicating to Convince - Management & Communication. (16 hours)
2006 - Making presentations - Management & Communication. (24 hours)
2006- Communicating with the media - Management & Communication. (8 hours)
2006 - General and Professional French courses (May-June). (40 hours)
2006 - General and professional French course. (47 hours)
2005 - Habilitation électrique : Personnel électricien effectuant des opérations du domaine de tension BT - Safety. (16 hours)
2005 - Communiquer efficacement / Communicating Effectively - Management & Communication. (24 hours)
2005 - The CERN EDMS for Engineers. (8 hours)
2005 - The CERN EDMS for Local Administrators. (16 hours)
2004 - Introduction to the CERN EDMS. (8 hours)
2004 - Compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) - Installation et remèdes. (24 hours)
2002 - Radiofisica Sanitaria, Ministerio de Salud de la Nacion y de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. (20 hours)
2001 - Radiotheraphy dosimetry and radiation protection, CNEA[1]. (320 hours)
1999 - General French courses. (60 hours)
1999 - General French courses. (58 hours)
1999 - Comprehensive VHDL for EPLD/FPGA Design dictated by Doulos. (40 hours)
1999 - Xilinx design dictated by Serge Brobecker IT/CE CERN.
1999 - Cadence Concept dictated by Serge Brobecker IT/CE CERN.
1999 - WORLD-FIP & field buses dictated by Raymond BRUN SL/LRF CERN.
1999 - Introduction to Interconnect, Analysis in High-Speed Designs and SI - Signal
Integrity. Dictated by Dra. Emilie Van Deventer, Professor Head of UT[12]. (16 hours)
1998 - Non Lineal Control. Dictated by Dr. D'Atellis, UBA[11]. (72 hours)
1998 - Introduction to Robust Control. Dictated by Dr. Mantz and Dr. Mayovski , LAICI, UNLP[3]. (72 hours)
1998 - Introduction to H∞ control. Dictated by Dr. H. Rotstein, Technion, Israel[5]. (24 hours)
1997 - Induction Motors Control dictated by Prof. Eng. Giussepe Buja, UniPd[10]. (60 hours)
1996 - Sensorless Control of Induction Motors by Adaptive Feedback or Feedforward, dictated by Dr. Joachim Holtz, Machines and Drives Laboratory BUW[9]. (18 hours)
1996 - Introduction to PIC16Cxx/PIC17C4x MicroChip microcontrollers. (8 hours)
1995 - Image recognition and processing dictated by Lic. Pablo Gonzalez Arias, UVa[8]. (140 hours)
1994 - Mathematical introduction to Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Control dictated by Eng. Raimundo D'Aquila, Artificial Inteligence Laboratory ITBA[7]. (20 hours)
1993 - Digital Audio Recording. Audio Images, San Fransisco, USA. (40 hours)
1993 - Hardware and Software Technical Service for automatic Knitting machines. Shima Seiki at Wakayama, Japan. (320 hours)
1992 - Teleinformatic. Dictated by Eng. De Luca Professor at UNSJ[6]. (60 hours)
1988 - Lifeguard. Secretaria de Deportes de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. (420 hours)
1987 - Naval Electrician. ESME. (ARA[13]). (160 hours)
1987 - Damage control on combat ships. ESME. (ARA[13]). (160 hours)
1987 - Naval Fire-fighter. CIACAI. (ARA[13]). (160 hours)
1987 - Medical assistance on combat. CIACAI. (ARA[13]). (60 hours)
1987 - Supervivencia en el mar. ESME. (ARA[13]). (40 hours)
1987 - Radio operator. ESOP. (ARA[13]). (80 hours)
1987 - Sonar systems. ESOP. (ARA[13]). (80 hours)
1984 - COBOL computer language at IBM Systems Institute. (94 hours, practice on IBM S/32 and IMB S/34)
1984 - RPG II computer language at IBM Systems Institute. (96 hours, practice on IBM S/32 and IMB S/34)
1984 - BASIC computer language at IBM Systems Institute. (96 hours, practice on WANG, QUANTEL)
1984 - Flow Chart programming and Introduction to Mainframes at IBM Systems Institute. (260 hours)
MT25 2017 Conference - New method for magnet protection systems based on a direct current derivative sensor Co-author
MT25 2017 Conference - A Statistical Analysis of Electrical Faults in the LHC Superconducting Magnets and Circuits Co-author
IPAC 2017 - Analysis of the Dependability of the LHC Quench Detection System During LHC Run 2 and Further System Evolution Co-author
IEEE 2016 Applied Superconductivity Conference - A new cryogenic test facility for large and heavy superconducting magnets Co-author
IPAC 2016 - CERN Beam Interlock Redundant Dump Trigger Module Performance during LHC Run 2
ICALEPS 2011 - The Evolution of the cern power converter function generator/controller for operation in fast cycling accelerators, Poster
ICALEPS 2005 - The G-64 bus at CERN after 25 years of operation, Poster
- Co-author of the book Control de la Interferencia Electromagnética
ISBN 950-99994-2-3 printed by AADECA.
Minor internal publications at LIC and at UNMdP.
A quick approach for beginners to P-CAD.
Quick introduction and reference for LaTeX2e.
Readings on using SPICE, for the students of Circuits Theory I.
Readings on using SPICE, for the students of Circuits Theory II.
Lectures for Circuits Theory I and II.
Lectures for Applied Control.
deep knowledge of computers systems architecture and hardware like
Analog Devices ADuC8xx family
Renesas RX, M16C, M32C families (former NEC, Mitsubishi, Hitachi)
Intel processors and x86 Chipsets family
Motorola 6800 family
Motorola DSP 56000, 56303 families
Texas DSP TMS320C32, TMS320C6707 families
Microchip 17Cxx and 16Cxx families
Zilog Z80 family
G64 interfaces
ISA interfaces
PC104 interfaces
deep knowledge of computing languages
C++, C, visual C++, Borland C, Borland C++
Pascal, Borland Pascal, Delphi
Assembler (Intel, Motorola, MicroChip, Texas, Zilog) for uP, uC and for DSPs
DBase II, III, III+, Clipper
knowledge on computing languages
competent user of the following software:
simulation programs like
Orcad-PSPice, LTSpice, SPICE
programmable logic tools like
Synopsys Synplify
Microsemi Libero
Xilinx Xact, Foundation, ISE,
Active VHDL,
electronics CAD like
Protel, Tango,
operative systems like
office software like
LibreOffice, OpenOffice, StartOffice,
MS Office, Word, Excel, Access
Apple Office Suite (Keynote, Pages, Numbers)
TeX, LaTeX,
Planning, Documentation and tracking tools like
PLAN, JiRA, Confluence, TWiki,
Project Manager, LibreProject,
Glossary and references
[1] Argentinean National Agency of Atomic Energy
[2] Digital Signal Processor
[3] La Plata National University
[4] Mar del Plata National University -:- School of Engineering
[5] Israel Institute of Technology
[6] San Juan National University
[7] Buenos Aires Technological Institute
[8] Valladolid University
[9] Wuppertal University
[10] Universidad degli Studi di Padova
[11] Buenos Aires National University
[12] University of Toronto
[13] Argentinean Navy